Media enquiries:
Kerry Chaplin
M 0447 175 150
Possability Group appoints co-CEOs.
We’re proud to announce the appointment of Lisa Giacomelli and Dr Ros Blakley as co-Chief Executive Officers of Possability Group. Lisa has been with the organisation since 2022, providing exceptional leadership of our Child and Family Services. Her…
NDIS Review Final Report
Possability Group welcomes the NDIS Review’s Final Report and the 26 recommendations it proposes. We believe the report will lead to a renewed NDIS – one that’s more accessible, inclusive and better supports the rights of participants. With even gr…
Response to ABC’s Four Corners case study
On 25 September 2023, Four Corners aired a story about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). One of the case studies was about Ashlee, a person previously supported by us and a series of incidents that occurred in 2021. As a not-for-profi…
Review into emergency out-of-home care
Lifestyle Solutions acknowledges the recommendations from the Mitchell review into emergency out-of-home care. We accept that the care provided to the children in this matter did not meet the expectations of the community or acceptable standards. As…
Lifestyle Solutions announces three-year partnership with Wheelchair Rugby Australia
National disability service provider Lifestyle Solutions has signed a three-year partnership with Wheelchair Rugby Australia (WRA) to be a major sponsor of the Wheelchair Rugby National Championship.Lifestyle Solutions was a major sponsor of the 2021…
Bindi Enterprises’ Digital Arts Program wins major NT Award
An exciting Digital Arts Program run by Bindi Enterprises in Alice Springs has won the Projects category at the 2021 NT Arts Access Awards. The announcement was made on Friday 3 December as part of International Day of People with Disability celebrat…