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Published on Wednesday 9 May, 2018

Foster carers, David and Chris, have seen firsthand the struggles that come with finding Out Of Home Care placements for children and young people at risk of harm and neglect at home.

School principal David, and teacher Chris, have observed a lot of children living in difficult circumstances through no fault of their own. They felt that if they were going to continually argue the case for children and young people in need to be placed into foster care and offered better opportunities, then they needed to ‘put their money where their mouth was’ and do something about the situation themselves.

And so they did, and they now foster four wonderful children, the youngest of whom they have had since birth.

“With the staggering number of children in Out Of Home Care increasing year on year, not only in this state but in this country, it seemed like a no-brainer for us that fostering was the way to start and then grow our own family,” said David.

Proud fathers, David and Chris have been fostering for over nine years and are just one of the amazing families Lifestyle Solutions support through their foster care program.

Lifestyle Solutions not only facilitates long-term care, we also provide respite care, short-term care and emergency care for children and young people.

For David and Chris, their decision to foster children was about creating a family, so it was important for them to have children who would need care until they were adults.

“It truly has been transformational for us, and not just for us as individuals and as a couple, but for our extended families as well. The old saying ‘it takes a village to raise kids’ is so true. It’s not just Chris and I contributing to the future of these kids, it’s our friends, families, grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins. It’s definitely transformed our lives for the better,” said David.

These inspiring parents consider themselves incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the future of the children they foster.

“I always say, we are the lucky ones because we’ve had the opportunity to witness these children grow into the people they are or are going to become. One day we will be able to sit in our rocking chairs on the veranda and say we helped contribute in that way and that’s a pretty special thing to be able to say,” said David.

Fostering is a life-long journey for David and Chris, they have found their forever family and are currently in the process of adopting their children.

Interested in becoming a foster carer?

Foster carers from all walks of life, backgrounds and cultures have opened their homes and hearts to children in need of a safe and secure environment that they can call home – and you can too.

If you’d like to make a positive difference in a child’s life, talk to us today about becoming a foster carer.

Lifestyle Solutions (Aust) Ltd ACN 097 999 347 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Possability Group Ltd ACN 638 044 327.

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