Lifestyle Equals Sign We see you

Published on Tuesday 15 September, 2020

Our Board of Directors are always keen to learn more about and hear from our teams and the people we support. While COVID-19 restrictions have made it harder for them to do that in person, it has also created new ways and opportunities to connect.

Most recently, the board had virtual visits with our teams from Victoria and the Wallsend Community Hub in NSW, to gain insight into the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and how our teams are navigating the new normal - and to provide an update on how the organisation is responding.

Non-Executive Director, Dean Laurence, who lives in Melbourne, was particularly keen to connect with our Victorian teams to see how they were going.

“It’s a very tough and restrictive set of circumstances in Victoria and I was keen for our teams to be able to let us know directly how they are feeling, the challenges they are facing, and how we can best continue to support them. I’m tremendously proud of our Support Workers who continue to deliver services and supports to our participants every day in the face of so many challenges.”

The visit with Wallsend Community Hub included both Support Workers and people we support, which made for a relaxed and intimate experience and created the opportunity for everyone to connect on a personal level.

After Beavin and his Support Workers, Wayne and Bianca took the board on a virtual guided tour of the Hub’s sensory garden and facilities, Wayne, Bianca and teammate Elcita discussed with them how COVID-19 had impacted the way the Hub operates. They discussed the challenges the pandemic presented for the team and the people they support, as well as suggestions for future improvements to the Hub. The board also heard how a silver lining to the current restrictions was that some Support Workers had been able to spend more one-on-one time with the people in their care.

Chairperson, Julie Connolly, said hearing directly from our teams and the people we support was a priority of the board.

“It’s important all our people know that we care, that we are accessible, and that we are listening. Speaking directly with our teams, and spending time with the people we support, is important for the board to genuinely understand the needs of all our people. It’s also very important for all of us at Lifestyle Solutions to continue to connect on a personal level and to be there for each other. Especially in times where we can feel isolated or disconnected.” 

Julie said the virtual visits would continue to be a priority for the board.

“It is extremely valuable, and we all enjoy it. Not just listening to our teams and gaining insights into how they have continued to adapt and rise to the challenges presented by COVID-19, but also in connecting with the people we support and sharing some time with them. Being with Beavin and his Support Workers for a tour of the sensory garden was lovely, and we could feel the genuine connection, passion and deep care his Support Workers have for what they do. Those small moments between our Support Workers and people we support, such as Beavin guessing what herb he was smelling during our tour, are so important to what we do every day, and it was a privilege to be there for it.”

You can watch a video snapshot of the board's visit to Wallsend Community Hub at the top of this page. There are also images below. 

Meet our Board of Directors.




Lifestyle Solutions (Aust) Ltd ACN 097 999 347 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Possability Group Ltd ACN 638 044 327.

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