The Anzac legend lives on

Monday December 16, 2019

For David, taking part in the Anzac Day march in Logan is a tradition which he proudly celebrates. It’s an important day to recognise Australia’s military history and personnel — and a precious opportunity for him to honour his father’s military experience and remember his parents who met in a Palestinian Internment Camp.

There was an air of military precision around David’s preparations on the morning of the march with his Support Worker on hand at 3am to help him get ready. Proudly wearing his father’s uniform and medals, and carrying his military sword, David fell in with his walking group. This was a fantastic effort considering only 48 hours before he’d been in hospital recovering from surgery. David, who has cerebral palsy, had a great start to the march but he started to fall behind under the weight of the 6kg sword.

A group of Army Cadets coming up behind him embodied the legendary Anzac spirit and rather than try and hurry David forward or leave him behind, they fell in with him offering support and encouragement all the way. “When I was struggling to hold the sword up, the officer held my hand whenever I needed him to, all the way to the cenotaph,” said David.

David said the officer’s kindness was a highlight of the day — not just for him but for the spectators who lined the route. “The crowd went berserk when they realised he was helping me. They were cheering and cameras were flashing. It was the true Anzac spirit on display.”

David’s inspiring courage is a wonderful example of what people are prepared to take on to fulfil their goals and how the right support – whether it’s a Support Worker on hand at 3am, or a young Army Cadet - can make it possible.