Road map for integration

Tuesday October 25, 2022

I’m excited to let you know that the final formal step towards the merging of Lifestyle Solutions and Possability has been completed – Lifestyle Solutions and Possability are now one merged group!

I feel very honoured to be the CEO of the combined group; the Lifestyle Solutions Chair, Tony Pearson, is the Chair of a new Board, comprising directors from both organisations.

While the formal part of the merger is complete, the real work begins to join both organisations to be stronger together. This is not going to be a simple process; however, we have plans in place to make it as smooth and efficient as possible.

We have developed a roadmap which shows how the organisations will join together and a plan for how both organisations will work over the next 6-8 months.

Integration process

Integration is the process by which we identify how two separate organisations come to operate as one. It is how we figure out how the people, processes and systems will work as a combined organisation.
The integration work will happen separate to business as usual, so that it does not affect the important daily work we do. This means that a dedicated team will be formed to work on understanding how we work together, and to plan and implement any change required to work better together in the future.

How to get involved

It is critical to the success of the integration of the operations of the two organisations that we listen to and learn from the ideas and feedback from the people we support, families, carers, and employees.

There will be a number of ways people can get involved in the integration process such as:

• Co-design workshops
• Reference groups
• Providing feedback.

People will be informed of opportunities to get involved as they arise.

Keeping up to date

A key part of the integration activities will be regular communications to keep everyone informed on developments.

An online site has been set up,, as a central point of information on the integration activities, and other relevant news and stories. I encourage you to take a look at the site when you are seeking an update. And remember, if you have any questions about the merger and integration process, please email them to or

Drew Beswick