Lifestyle Equals Sign We see you

Published on Friday 4 May, 2018

Generosity can come in all shapes and sizes and for one of the people we support, Danny, it came in the form of the friendly faces at Ballina Lighthouse Surf Life Saving Club.

Every Sunday Danny and his support worker, Suzy Maloney, head to his favourite beach where he loves to drink a coffee, chat with the locals and watch all the beach activities – even sometimes spotting whales or dolphins.

Limited to where he can maneuver, Danny was never able to gain access to the beach or the ocean he adores.

With the help of the amazing team at the Surf Life Saving Club, one Sunday the sand was smoothed, and beach access matting was placed from the surf club paving the way down to the water for Danny.

“With this enormous and positive team, Danny was rolled down to the water. He took his sandals off and felt the sand between his toes. The smile on his face was enormous,” said Suzy.

If this wasn’t enough, lifeguards, Terry and Dave, helped Danny the last few metres to the water’s edge and supported him while the waves rolled in.

 “Danny exclaimed how cold it was and was laughing and saying thank you to everyone over and over.”

“Afterward as we were driving away Danny was calling out the van window telling everyone has had been down to the beach.”

 “He didn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.”

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